Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Standing on the paper is a group activity which was the first activity we did in our first year second semester. It was such a wonderful activity and what happened is..................

We were separated in three groups and i am in the second group. Our group members are:
  1. Prasanth
  2. Saveen
  3. Isuru
  4. Tedy
  5. Sanjeewa
  6.  Sharmila
  7. Kanishdan
  8. Deshanjali
So what happened is first we asked to stand on a little big paper but the condition was if any one's foot come outside of the paper then the team would be loss. so first time every group did it well then our madam told us to fold the paper half in size and asked to stand their. like wise if a team did it correctly then the paper again again asked to fold and the team which stand correctly as much as possible it will be the winner and the third group was the winner in this activity.
                                                                                                                               The mistakes which the groups made was:

  • didn't had the correct strategy
  • Didn't expect that our madam told us to fold the paper
  • haven't proper communication

Through this activity we learnt that:
  • We want to have a proper strategy before we going to start a work
  • We want to communicate clearly
  • We want to be alert at any time and ready to face

This is the activity which we started in our second semester and it teach us a lot!


This is the second activity we did in our second semester and it also did in the similar day. This is a group activity named Lava river. here we we separated in three groups.

Our group members are:
  1. Prasanth
  2. Rajitha
  3. Aashiq
  4. Dhanushka
  5. Sanjeewa
  6. Sharmila
  7. Sanjeewan

First our madam gave 4 paper plates and we asked to cross a small distance and the first team which crossed first was the winner and it will get 100 marks luckily we were the group reached first and we got 100 marks but the condition was always there must be a human touch to that paper plates and if any one missed it then it was taken off from us.
                                                                             So in first round we saved all the plates then after that we asked to returned to the starting point but this time its more difficult because now we all wants cross the lava river in a same time and the human touch condition also applied not only that there are some blue crosses and pink crosses and if we reached a color we asked to shout and if we reached pink then we got 25 marks and if reached blue then we got 50 marks.
                                                                                                                            Unfortunately we collected only a blue and a pink crosses before 5 minutes and we earned totally 175 marks. But the second group earned 190 marks and we were the runner up.

Finally what we learnt is:
  • How to move with a team
  • Wants to clear the idea of the instructions carefully
  • Time management
  • Leadership quality
  • Never ever give up

This is a wonderful activity and we all loved it.



STANDING ON PAPER Standing on the paper is a group activity which was the first activity we did in our first year second semester. I...